CD - "The Spiritual Demographic"

The Spiritual Demographic
Lyrical CD Layout
“Take Into Account” what The Spiritual Demographic offers to you. Realize that “Step By Step” and day by day we’re going to make it to the Lord, and some sweet day our Heavenly Father will “Take Us Up” in His presence. “For God So Loved the World” He gave His only Son to die for all of our sins. “When I Think About the Lord” and His sacrifice it’s a reminder that “He’s the Love” that will never let us go. “Yea, Though I Walk” through the valley of the shadow of death, I’ll fear no evil for thou art with me. Knowing this allows us to “Fight On” because “My Jesus Rose” with all power in His hand, and “He’s Coming Back Again”. So “Say Goodbye” to this world. If you ask me, “I Can’t Wait” till my Jesus comes for me. Thank God for every day He gives you on this earth, and no matter how situations may seem to us, there’s always something we can give Him our thanks and our praise. And we can say, “Lord, You’ve Been So Good to Me.”
“Take Into Account” what The Spiritual Demographic offers to you. Realize that “Step By Step” and day by day we’re going to make it to the Lord, and some sweet day our Heavenly Father will “Take Us Up” in His presence. “For God So Loved the World” He gave His only Son to die for all of our sins. “When I Think About the Lord” and His sacrifice it’s a reminder that “He’s the Love” that will never let us go. “Yea, Though I Walk” through the valley of the shadow of death, I’ll fear no evil for thou art with me. Knowing this allows us to “Fight On” because “My Jesus Rose” with all power in His hand, and “He’s Coming Back Again”. So “Say Goodbye” to this world. If you ask me, “I Can’t Wait” till my Jesus comes for me. Thank God for every day He gives you on this earth, and no matter how situations may seem to us, there’s always something we can give Him our thanks and our praise. And we can say, “Lord, You’ve Been So Good to Me.”